

WasteWorld May 8th 2023 – 80 million food items wasted each week and we take a look at SmartTrash compactors!

WasteWorld 28
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Welcome to Tuesday, 9th May Edition.

In today's Waste World:
  • 80 million food items thrown away every single week!
  • Waste Price Watch – what's happening in the waste market?
  • Sector Focus – we take a look at recycling waste wood!
  • What we've been reading – quirky stories that have interested us this week!


Brits throw away nearly 80 million food items every week

Study finds 8% of consumers wasting more food

New research from the app Too Good to Go found that British people throw away around 80 million usable food items every week. Each week we're throwing away 18 million meat and dairy items, 22 million bread and pasta items, 30.9 million fruit and veg items and 8.7 million sweets, crisps and chocolate.

Their research found that 26% of people said they check an item's best before date to see if an item is still edible and 13% will taste it to check if a product is still good to eat. In terms of regions, Londoners and those in Northern Ireland were found to be wasting the most fruit and veg items as 68% and 65% said they throw away at least one to two edible items a week.

Looking to reduce the amount of food waste you generate? Check out our blog for our top tips for cutting down on your food waste!


Waste Price Watch

Each issue we bring you the latest market prices for recycling; plus the cost of PRN (Packaging Recycling Note) and landfill fees.

For full detail and up to date prices click here. For details on PRNs click here.


Focus on SmartTrash

Monitoring your compactor more efficiently

Does your business have a compactor? If so, you could be paying for extra waste collections you don't need. By using SmartTrash technology, you'll be able to monitor exactly what's in your compactor.

The system works by measuring how hard your compactor is working. The more waste materials inside your compactor, the harder it works. Your SmartTrash unit will then work out when your compactor is full and alert your waste carrier, letting them know that you're ready for a waste collection. This means that you're only having collections when you need them. This not only saves you time and money, but reduces the amount of carbon emissions that are generated from waste collections. 

To find out more, check out our blog to read Flame UK's guide to SmartTrash!


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Primark to launch a 'circular' collection:

Primark are launching a new clothing collection made from more sustainable materials, designed to last longer!

Tesco to change 'Use By' to 'Best Before':

To tackle food waste, Tesco are changing the labels on yoghurts from a 'use by' date to a 'best before' date!

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