

Keep on top of the waste management industry.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Latest Updates and What This Means for UK Businesses

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Latest Updates and What This Means for UK Businesses

As we navigate the landscape of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and PRNs in 2024, it's crucial to maintain a steady perspective amidst regulatory updates and shifting market dynamics.
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Understanding Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Understanding Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is transforming how we manage packaging waste. At Flame UK, we are committed to helping businesses navigate these changes. Here is everything you need to know about EPR, including packaging categories, activities, and associated fees.
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PRNs and EPR – Key dates, prices, and inside industry info. What’s in store for 2024.

PRNs and EPR – Key dates, prices, and inside industry info. What’s in store for 2024.

As we navigate the landscape of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and PRNs in 2024, it's crucial to maintain a steady perspective amidst regulatory updates and shifting market dynamics.
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Waste Disposal Costs – What Should We Expect in 2024?

Waste Disposal Costs – What Should We Expect in 2024?

The anticipated increase in waste disposal costs is approaching. As we embark on this exploration, it's crucial to understand the multifaceted factors driving this upward trend.
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Dreaming of a Green Christmas: Offsetting Carbon for the Festive Period

Dreaming of a Green Christmas: Offsetting Carbon for the Festive Period

To combat the carbon footprint associated with these festive travels, we have pledged to offset the average travel of 700 miles for each of our employees.
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AI in the Waste and Environmental Industry: Unveiling Trends for 2024 and Beyond

AI in the Waste and Environmental Industry: Unveiling Trends for 2024 and Beyond

Discover how AI-driven technologies, from smart bins to intelligent transfer stations, are reshaping waste management and changing the waste industry.
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Your Guide to Overcoming Facilities Management Challenges: What they are and how to resolve them

Your Guide to Overcoming Facilities Management Challenges: What they are and how to resolve them

Learn how to overcome common facilities management challenges, including aligning infrastructure, cost control, compliance, sustainability, space optimization, and technology integration. Get practical solutions and expert advice from Flame UK to make your facility more efficient, compliant, and sustainable while keeping costs under control.
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From 06 April 2024, All Workplaces in Wales Must Separate Their Waste for Recycling

From 06 April 2024, All Workplaces in Wales Must Separate Their Waste for Recycling

Starting from April 6, 2024, a significant change is set to take place in workplaces across Wales. The Welsh Government is rolling out new regulations that mandate all businesses to segregate recyclable materials from their general waste.
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Overcoming Sustainability Challenges for SMEs: Expert Insights

Overcoming Sustainability Challenges for SMEs: Expert Insights

Discover how Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can overcome unique sustainability challenges. Learn from Dan Pegram, Director of Flame UK, as he discusses the evolving landscape of sustainability in the business world and shares expert insights. Find solutions to limited resources, expertise gaps, and building awareness. Sustainability is no longer an option; it's a necessity for modern businesses.
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Understanding Carbon Offsetting: What you need to know

Understanding Carbon Offsetting: What you need to know

Carbon offsetting can help your business to eliminate the leftover carbon emissions your business can't reduce from its operations.
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Aerosol Recycling: Is your business safe?

Aerosol Recycling: Is your business safe?

What happens if aerosols aren’t recycled correctly? Here’s everything your business needs to know about recycling used aerosol cans.
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Washroom Services for Construction Sites

Washroom Services for Construction Sites

Washroom services for constructions sites are a key factor in staying compliant and keeping staff happy. But what exactly do you need?
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How can you create sustainable festivals?

How can you create sustainable festivals?

Each year, pictures and videos of discarded tents flood social media with calls for more sustainable festivals. But what’s the solution?
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EPR Regulations: Household vs Non-Household Waste

EPR Regulations: Household vs Non-Household Waste

Under the new EPR regulations, producers will need to pay for the collection and treatment of household waste. But what does it include?
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How you dispose of wood waste is changing

How you dispose of wood waste is changing

How construction and demolition sites dispose of wood waste is changing from September 2023. What does this mean for the industry?
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What EPR fees should my business expect?

What EPR fees should my business expect?

With EPR, organisations need to be prepared for an overhaul in the PRN system. But what EPR fees should your business expect?
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Did you know you can change your PRN compliance scheme?

Did you know you can change your PRN compliance scheme?

Navigating EPR can be tricky. This is where a good PRN compliance scheme comes in. But did you know you can change your scheme?
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Hole in One: Flame UK raises over a grand for Age UK!

Hole in One: Flame UK raises over a grand for Age UK!

Two members of Flame UK raised over a grand for Age UK by completing the 72-Hole Golf Challenge!
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Defra launch consultation on the draft EPR regulations

Defra launch consultation on the draft EPR regulations

Defra launch a consultation on the draft EPR regulations to receive industry views on the new draft regulations.
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Ask the Experts: Joe – Managing Multi-Site Waste

Ask the Experts: Joe – Managing Multi-Site Waste

We sat down with Joe to learn more about managing multi-site waste.
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Defra confirm delay to Extended Producer Responsibility EPR Fees

Defra confirm delay to Extended Producer Responsibility EPR Fees

Defra confirms a delay to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) waste management fees until 2025 in the hopes of driving down inflation.
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Why should your business become ISO 14001 certified?

Why should your business become ISO 14001 certified?

Looking to become ISO 14001 certified to show your business' commitment to sustainability? Here's the benefits of the certification.
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What is a PRN? Packaging waste regulations

What is a PRN? Packaging waste regulations

It’s getting around to that time of year again, looking back on the last calendar year, calculating your data, talking to your suppliers and delving deep into every product you buy, use and sell!
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What is Zero to Landfill and how can it be the key driver of your business’ performance?

What is Zero to Landfill and how can it be the key driver of your business’ performance?

The term 'zero to landfill' is thrown around a lot in the waste industry. But what does it mean and why should you consider it?
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Plastic Free July: Plastics and the Environment

Plastic Free July: Plastics and the Environment

This July, we’re taking a deeper look at the damaging effects single-use plastic can have on the environment and what businesses can do to combat this. Plastic Free July, a global movement to reduce plastic pollution, highlights the changes people and businesses can make to cut the amount of single-use plastic they use.
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Net Zero Week 2023: What role does waste play?

Net Zero Week 2023: What role does waste play?

This Net Zero Week, we're looking at the role waste plays in becoming Net Zero and what your business can do to reduce emissions.
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Flame UK Highly Commended at Midlands Family Business Awards

Flame UK Highly Commended at Midlands Family Business Awards

Flame UK are extremely pleased to be Highly Commended for two awards at the Midlands Family Business Awards.
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Ask the Experts: Lydia – Site Clearances

Ask the Experts: Lydia – Site Clearances

We sat down with Lydia, one of our waste experts, to find out everything you need to know about site clearances.
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Single-Use Plastics Ban: What businesses need to know

Single-Use Plastics Ban: What businesses need to know

Back in January 2023, the government announced they would be banning the sale of single-use plastics in England. But what does this mean for your business?
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Manufacturing Waste: How to become more sustainable

Manufacturing Waste: How to become more sustainable

What can you do to improve your manufacturing waste management and become more sustainable? Here's our four top tips!
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Have you thought about bin cleaning?

Have you thought about bin cleaning?

The cleanliness of your bin might be at the bottom of your priority list. But regularly bin cleaning can be beneficial for your site.
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Why you should be using a waste management broker

Why you should be using a waste management broker

Using a waste management broker for your business’ waste simplifies the process, letting you get back to business.
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Winter event waste: Start planning now

Winter event waste: Start planning now

It's never too soon to start planning your winter event waste management. Here's our guide for everything you'll need to cover.
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We’re finalists at the Midlands Family Business Awards!

We’re finalists at the Midlands Family Business Awards!

Flame UK are pleased to announce that we’ve been selected as finalists at the Midlands Family Business Awards 2023.
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PRN Market Update: May 2023

PRN Market Update: May 2023

With PRN prices always changing, it's hard to keep up to date. But what can we learn about the PRN market from the first quarter of 2023?
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How to dispose of healthcare waste

How to dispose of healthcare waste

Healthcare organisations generate multiple waste streams. Learn how to dispose of healthcare waste in a safe and environmentally friendly way.
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Festival Litter Picking: Keeping your event clean

Festival Litter Picking: Keeping your event clean

It's nearly the time of year for different festivals. But why is festival litter picking so important for your event's waste management?
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Battery Recycling: What you need to know

Battery Recycling: What you need to know

Every business will have batteries lying around. Here’s Flame UK’s guide to battery recycling to ensure they're disposed of correctly.
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Retail Waste Management: Streamlining the process

Retail Waste Management: Streamlining the process

When you’re running a busy shop, retail waste management is the last thing on your mind. But, if not done right, it could be costly.
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Ask the Experts: Jake – Dealing with Asbestos

Ask the Experts: Jake – Dealing with Asbestos

We sat down with one of our waste experts, Jake, to find out how you can stay safe if you find asbestos on your business' site.
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Large Scale Refurbishment: How to manage your waste

Large Scale Refurbishment: How to manage your waste

Is your site planning for a refurbishment? Here’s our tips for managing waste during large scale refurbishment.
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Earth Day 2023: How can your business become more sustainable

Earth Day 2023: How can your business become more sustainable

This year’s Earth Day focuses on ‘Invest in our Planet’, encouraging people to focus more on the environmental impact they have to build a better future. It’s more important than ever that businesses focus on becoming more sustainable to protect the planet.
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SmartTrash Waste Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide

SmartTrash Waste Monitoring: The Ultimate Guide

Does your business have a compactor? If you’re not using SmartTrash, you could be paying for waste collections that you don’t need.
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How to dispose of your waste cooking oil

How to dispose of your waste cooking oil

If you’ve worked in a busy restaurant, you’ll know that waste cooking oil is a common sight. It’s important that you’re storing and disposing of it to protect the environment and stay compliant with legislation. But what should you do with your waste oil once it’s cooked a batch of chips?
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Can waste collections ever be carbon neutral?

Can waste collections ever be carbon neutral?

While we work hard to find the greenest options for your waste, it can be disheartening to hear about the amount of CO2 produced. But there is a greener future in store for waste collections and they can become carbon neutral. Here’s how:
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Managing construction waste more efficiently

Managing construction waste more efficiently

Managing waste on your construction site can be a bit tricky. With all the different waste streams generated on these sites, there’s a lot you’ll need to have covered. Here’s Flame UK’s guide to managing your construction waste more efficiently to keep all your site’s waste streams covered.
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How Extended Producer Responsibility changes PRNs

How Extended Producer Responsibility changes PRNs

The switch to the Extended Producer Responsibility will cause a shake up, with the eligibility criteria for purchasing PRNs changing.
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Ask the Experts: Ross – Chemical Waste

Ask the Experts: Ross – Chemical Waste

We sat down with one of our waste experts, Ross, to find out the best ways to manage your business' chemical waste more effectively.
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ISO 14001: 5 ways to support your environmental goals

ISO 14001: 5 ways to support your environmental goals

There are over 300,000 businesses across 171 countries that are ISO 14001 certified. Here’s five things you can do to join them.
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Flame UK are Cyber Essentials Plus Accredited

Flame UK are Cyber Essentials Plus Accredited

In a move to provide extra security for our customers, Flame UK has become Cyber Essentials accredited.
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POPs: What you need to know

POPs: What you need to know

If the waste you’re producing contains POPs, it needs to be treated differently to ensure everyone’s safety. Here's Flame UK's guide to POPs.
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Landfill Tax: What you need to know

Landfill Tax: What you need to know

First introduced in 1996, landfill tax is an environmental tax placed on all waste sent to landfill. Each year, on 1st April, the tax increases. But what is it, what’s its purpose and what’s the increase for 2023?
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What is clinical waste and how to dispose of it?

What is clinical waste and how to dispose of it?

Clinical waste needs to be handled and disposed of correctly to make sure that everyone who comes into contact with it is safe. But what is classed as clinical waste and how can you ensure it’s stored and disposed of correctly?
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Environmentally Friendly Waste Collections: Our Tips

Environmentally Friendly Waste Collections: Our Tips

Here’s our top tips for making your waste collections are as environmentally friendly as possible.
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Food Waste Action Week: Top tips for cutting food waste

Food Waste Action Week: Top tips for cutting food waste

This week marks the third annual Food Waste Action Week organised by WRAP. This year’s campaign focuses on ‘Win. Don’t Bin’, encouraging people to use up their leftovers to reduce the amount of food waste they’re producing and save money, time and the planet. Here’s Flame UK’s top five tips for reducing the amount of food waste you produce.
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Why are waste costs rising?

Why are waste costs rising?

The previous financial year has been a tough time for a lot of businesses. As the cost of living crisis continues, businesses are having to adapt to a new landscape with much higher costs. But why is this happening and how can your business keep its waste costs as low as possible?
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British Standard for Confidential Waste: What is BS EN 15173?

British Standard for Confidential Waste: What is BS EN 15173?

All businesses have a legal requirement to ensure that any confidential information they have is correctly disposed of. This covers anything from details you may have about your customers, employees and even suppliers. If you fail to comply with this legislation, you could be leaving your business liable to hefty fines or even imprisonment.
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Waste Reporting: What happens to my waste?

Waste Reporting: What happens to my waste?

It can be quite easy to overlook and forget what happens to our waste when we throw it away, but the process of what happens to the waste may be more interesting than you realise. When disposed of correctly, we can keep you up with what happens to your waste for that extra peace of mind.
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Ask the Experts: George – Cardboard Collection

Ask the Experts: George – Cardboard Collection

We sat down with George, one of our waste experts, to find out the best tips and tricks for managing your cardboard waste.
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Waste in the leisure industry

Waste in the leisure industry

Waste in the leisure industry is inevitable. Here’s our guide to everything you’ll need to keep all your waste streams covered.
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Can you recycle disposable vapes?

Can you recycle disposable vapes?

Around two disposable vapes are thrown away every second. Here's how you can recycle your disposable vapes and turn them into something new.
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What is Duty of Care?

What is Duty of Care?

If you produce, transfer, or dispose of waste, you’re responsible for ensuring that its stored and treated safely. This is all part of your ‘Duty of Care’. But what exactly does this mean and how can you ensure you’re complying?
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Your festival waste management checklist

Your festival waste management checklist

Planning a festival? Here's our festival waste management checklist to make sure your waste is covered before your big event.
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Why you should be recycling used pallets

Why you should be recycling used pallets

There are over 30 million pallets in circulation. They’re a common site in many businesses and warehouses but do you know what you should be doing with them once you’ve finished using them? Your first thought might be to throw them in with your general waste, but pallets can be recycled and used again and again.
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How to recycle engine or machine oil

How to recycle engine or machine oil

Due to their qualities having the potential to cause harm to the environment, oil waste is considered hazardous. Therefore, it must be stored and disposed of correctly. However, there is still a route for your used engine or machine oil to be recycled.
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How we turned waste wood into a new product

How we turned waste wood into a new product

Your waste collection isn’t the end of your waste wood’s journey. By working with our network of approved suppliers, we’ve been able to turn waste wood into a brand-new product that can work as a more sustainable option to fossil fuels.
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Is food waste recyclable?

Is food waste recyclable?

It’s estimated that around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste are created each year in the UK. But is all this food waste recyclable and what happens to it if it’s recycled?
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Engineering waste: What is it and how to dispose of it?

Engineering waste: What is it and how to dispose of it?

Waste from engineering can be potentially hazardous so it’s important the waste is disposed of correctly. Here’s our guide to engineering waste and how you can ensure your site is disposing of it as safely as possible.
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What happens at a Waste Transfer Station?

What happens at a Waste Transfer Station?

Waste Transfer Stations are a vital step on the journey of waste management. In this guide, we explain what they are, what happens there, and how they are different to Material Recovery Facilities (MRF).
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New Year’s Resolution to recycle more? Here’s how!

New Year’s Resolution to recycle more? Here’s how!

Looking to become more sustainable in 2023? One of the easiest ways to do this is by recycling more. Here’s our tips to help you recycle more.
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What are the benefits of glass recycling?

What are the benefits of glass recycling?

Most glass is 100% recyclable and can be endlessly reused. But which types of glass can be recycled and what are the benefits of recycling it?
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Reducing waste this Christmas

Reducing waste this Christmas

It’s estimated that household waste increases by 30% during the holiday period. Here’s our top tips for how you can reduce waste this Christmas.
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How can you reduce your waste collections?

How can you reduce your waste collections?

At a time where every penny matters, you may be looking to cut down on the number of waste collections you have to save your business money. Here’s our guide on how you can reduce the number of waste collections your business needs.
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Reducing your restaurant waste costs

Reducing your restaurant waste costs

Restaurants in the UK throw away £682 million worth of food every year which is costing restaurants 97p per meal that they serve. But how do you reduce your waste costs and what other benefits might this have?
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How can you improve your winter event waste management?

How can you improve your winter event waste management?

Winter events can generate a lot of waste and it can be difficult to manage and dispose of it properly. Here are some of our top tips to implement a cost-efficient and sustainable waste management strategy.
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Scrap metal: How can you recycle it and maximise income?

Scrap metal: How can you recycle it and maximise income?

Nearly all metals can be recycled into new products. Therefore, recycling your scrap metal can be great for the environment and your pocket.
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<strong>Flame UK wins award at East Midlands Chamber Awards</strong>

Flame UK wins award at East Midlands Chamber Awards

Flame UK win big at the Nottinghamshire Business Awards 2022, hosted by the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce.
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How to recycle your oil waste

How to recycle your oil waste

Oil waste is one of the biggest pollutants in the world. Therefore, the safe storage and disposal of it is imperative. It also means that there are heavy regulations surrounding oil waste removal. But what is oil waste and how can you ensure you meet regulations when storing and disposing of it?
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Why do you need a licenced waste carrier?

Why do you need a licenced waste carrier?

When you’re producing a lot of waste, it might be easy to pick the first waste carrier you come across. However, they may not be authorised to handle your waste and could be disposing it in ways that are damaging the environment. Therefore, it’s important to check that the waste carrier you’re choosing has a valid waste carrier licence.
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PAT Testing: The ultimate guide

PAT Testing: The ultimate guide

Portable Appliance Testing (commonly known as PAT testing) is often a confusing subject for many business owners but in reality its relatively simple.
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How to recycle the different types of pallets

How to recycle the different types of pallets

Pallets are used daily to help store and transport a variety of items. Here’s our guide to the different types of pallets and how they can be recycled.
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What is WEEE waste and how can you recycle it?

What is WEEE waste and how can you recycle it?

Every year, an estimated two million tonnes of waste electrical goods are discarded by households and companies in the UK. To make sure that all this waste is disposed of correctly, there are legislations in place. But what are these regulations and what do they mean for you?
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Easy changes to reduce your business waste costs

Easy changes to reduce your business waste costs

Your business’ waste might be at the bottom of your priority list, but it could be costing you more than it should. The UK generated over 222 million tonnes of waste in 2018 and disposing of this waste could become costly. Here’s our top tips to help you reduce your business’ waste costs.
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How to avoid flooding this autumn

How to avoid flooding this autumn

Autumn and winter bring rainy weather which can cause excess debris to build up in the drains and tanks on your site premises. Find out how to prevent flooding by keeping on top of cleaning and maintenance.
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Green Halloween

Green Halloween

Did you know that over 2000 tonnes of plastic are generated by Halloween costumes? read our tips on how to reduce plastic waste this Halloween.
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How to dispose of asbestos correctly

How to dispose of asbestos correctly

Asbestos can become incredibly dangerous if it's not disposed of correctly. But what should you do if you find asbestos and how is it treated?
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The benefits of recycling your dry mixed waste

The benefits of recycling your dry mixed waste

Dry mixed waste often gets put in the general waste bin and sent to landfill, when it could be recycled. But what are the benefits of recycling it?
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How to avoid being charged for heavy bins

How to avoid being charged for heavy bins

Heavy bins aren’t always a bad thing. It’s a sign that you’re using your bin to its full capacity and making the most of what you’re paying for. However, they can cause a safety concern for the people collecting your waste, leaving you with a missed collection, health and safety hazards on your site and an extra charge for heavy bins.
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What is an EWC Code and why do I need it?

What is an EWC Code and why do I need it?

The EWC Code is used to classify the many different types of waste companies can produce. But with 650 different codes, across 20 chapters, it can be tricky to navigate. Here’s our handy guide to help you break down the EWC code and figure out which code is best for your waste.
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The Negative Effects of Landfill

The Negative Effects of Landfill

On average the UK produces 26 million tonnes of waste and a whopping 55% of it ends up in landfill. But what are the alternative waste disposal options?
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Paint Disposal Guide

Paint Disposal Guide

You might have just repainted the office or had a revamp of the kitchen, leaving you with used or nearly empty paint cans and no idea on how to properly dispose of them. Paint can be tricky to dispose of and, if not done carefully, could have damaging effects on you or the environment.
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Lifecycle of a pallet

Lifecycle of a pallet

Over 30 million pallets were in circulation in 2021 in the UK, with that number rising to four billion in Europe. While they’re great for delivering and storing materials, they can be tricky to manage due to their heavy and bulky nature. Therefore, our pallet collection and recycling service may be the best option for your business. Have you ever wondered what happens to your pallets once they’ve been collected by us?
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Are you using the right sized bin?

Are you using the right sized bin?

There is a big demand for waste containers that suit specific needs. Multiple bins and containers have been created to help solve the issue of storing and moving waste in an efficient way, but is your bin right for you?
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Reducing the Cost of School Waste

Reducing the Cost of School Waste

Schools in England throw away the equivalent weight of 185 double-decker buses of waste every school day. How can this be managed effectively?
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Skip Hire Guide

Skip Hire Guide

With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to figure out which skip works best for you. Here’s our handy guide to skips to help you figure out the best skip for your needs.
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RWM LetsRecycleLive 2022

RWM LetsRecycleLive 2022

The Flame UK marketing team took a trip to the NEC in Birmingham to attend day one of the RWM LetsRecycleLive 2022 show. The exhibition was a great insight into the future of waste management and a chance for the team to see equipment and trucks live in their intended environment.
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Sports Event Waste

Sports Event Waste

The 2021 Tour of Britain saw almost 1.5 million spectators watching the race in person, with this year’s event expecting a similar turnout. Events with footfall like this have the possibility to generate a lot of waste, and it’s important that it’s managed properly. If not, there could be damage to the environment or hefty fines for event organisers.
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Barton Town FC

Barton Town FC

Barton Town Football Club are taking steps to be more considerate of the environment, the first of those steps is to have designated recycling bins placed around the Easy Buy Stadium.
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Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste can come in many forms, and, if it's not disposed of correctly, it can be incredibly dangerous to the environment and humans.
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Waste Equipment Guide

Waste Equipment Guide

It’s essential for your business to manage the waste it produces properly and efficiently. Here’s our handy guide to help you choose which waste management equipment is best for your business.
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Carbon Neutral Business

Carbon Neutral Business

One of the biggest factors playing into the climate crisis is the impact of global warming. That’s why we’ve taken steps to become carbon neutral and are excited at the possibility of offering customers the option to offset the carbon emissions from their waste collections in the near future.
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Why a Baler is Best for your Business

Why a Baler is Best for your Business

A waste baler is a unique piece of equipment designed to compact waste into bales in order to store waste more effectively. This can help you to save space and reduce the number of waste collections your business needs.
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Confidential Waste

Confidential Waste

Identity theft and fraud is becoming more and more common across the UK. One of the biggest causes of this is the failure to properly dispose of confidential waste produced by businesses. Organisations are putting themselves in danger if they fail to carefully destroy their confidential documents.
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Managing Care Home Waste

Managing Care Home Waste

Managing different waste streams in a care home setting can be tricky. we hep you understand some tips for managing waste effectively.
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Retail Business Waste

Retail Business Waste

Retail businesses, whatever their size or whatever they sell, whether online or in a shop, face a unique challenge when dealing with their waste.  If you have a retail business, the various waste streams generated mean you may have to think smarter to make sure your waste is managed effectively. 
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Hospitality waste – what can we learn from Wimbledon?

Hospitality waste – what can we learn from Wimbledon?

Hospitality venues generate a lot of waste - what can we learn from the efforts Wimbledon is making to ensure it's venue and events are sustainable?
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Single Use Plastics

Single Use Plastics

Only half of single use plastic bottles are recycled - with many finding their way into the sea.
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Plastic-free packaging – could plants be the answer

Plastic-free packaging – could plants be the answer

Single use drinks bottles, coffee cups and packaging are not being recycled as much as they should be. We look at some alternatives to plastic that are more easily recycled and use more sustainable products to manufacture.
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Event Waste

Event Waste

If you are organising an event, whether that be a multi-day music festival; a carnival; concert; corporate day or sports event such as a running race, you’ll need to consider what happens to the waste.  Having hundreds or thousands of people at an event or festival creates a surprising amount of waste.  As an organiser, you need to make sure that you have it covered.
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2022 Las Vegas WasteExpo Q&A

2022 Las Vegas WasteExpo Q&A

We caught up with our Flame UK Account Managers after they attended the 2022 Waste Expo to find out what they got up to and talk about the new and exciting innovations in the waste industry.
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Are Electric Vehicle (EV) Batteries Really a Green Option?

Are Electric Vehicle (EV) Batteries Really a Green Option?

Electric vehicles are greener but lithium batteries from EVs are very difficult and costly to recycle. Why is this and what progress is being made to develop a recycling process?
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What does “Zero to Landfill” Really Mean?

What does “Zero to Landfill” Really Mean?

Many waste carriers state that they send zero to landfill. Sounds great, right? But what does “zero to landfill” actually mean? We all know that landfill sites are not a good way to dispose of waste. Not only are they unsightly, noisy, and damage biodiversity, but can cause all sorts of environmental and health issues. Decomposing waste can cause methane gas to be produced, not to mention other chemicals leaking into the ground and watercourses. So there should be no excuses for sending waste to landfill that could be processed in a better way.
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The Impact of Fast Fashion

The Impact of Fast Fashion

Fast Fashion is an environmental disaster and can harm the environment and contribute to poor working practices. We look at sustainable fashion and what happens to waste textiles.
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The Rising Costs of Business Waste Disposal

The Rising Costs of Business Waste Disposal

Factors such as rises in fuel prices, the end of the red diesel concession for the waste sector and landfill tax means that the costs of disposing of your business waste has crept up yet again. We look at a number of factors in this price increase and what you can do to reduce the cost of waste disposal in your business.
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WEEE Disposal and Recycling Targets

WEEE Disposal and Recycling Targets

Household Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is the fastest growing waste stream in the UK. news recycling targets have been set to ensure that WEEE is dealt with properly. We look at what WEEE is and how it is disposed.
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Quick Guide – Extended Producer Responsibility guidance published by DEFRA

Quick Guide – Extended Producer Responsibility guidance published by DEFRA

This week, DEFRA published the results from the consultation on Extended Producer Responsibility – placing the responsibility for disposal costs of packaging onto the producers of that packaging. There are many complex areas to the consultation result – we’ve summarised the key points below.
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Construction Waste Guide

Construction Waste Guide

Construction waste has become a big problem in recent years, from the effect on the environment to the rising cost, proper construction waste management and disposal has never been more important.
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Waste not , want not. How much food waste do we really generate?

Waste not , want not. How much food waste do we really generate?

We are still discarding enormous amounts of food, which often end up in landfill. What are we throwing away, and why should be making sure it doesn't go into landfill ?
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Seven simple steps to reduce your business waste costs.

Seven simple steps to reduce your business waste costs.

How much does your company spend on waste disposal? Business waste management is often an afterthought – we pay for collection of bins or containers, but rarely think about how the costs of business waste disposal could be reduced – often significantly – with a few simple changes.
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Plastic Packaging Tax – are you ready?

Plastic Packaging Tax – are you ready?

Plastic Packaging Tax is coming into effect on 1st April. We answer questions about what this means for businesses that import or manufacture and how to make sure your business is ready.
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Illegal fly-tipping: whose responsibility?

Illegal fly-tipping: whose responsibility?

We’ve seen in the news this week that the government have announced new plans to tackle waste crime by proposing stricter checks and mandatory waste tracking. We have a look at the impact of illegal waste dumping, what it means to you and how to make sure your waste doesn’t get dumped illegally.
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New year, new strategy? Why you should regularly review your business waste strategy.

New year, new strategy? Why you should regularly review your business waste strategy.

Do you know what and how much your business throws away? Regularly reviewing your waste has direct implications on your business, your staff and your time. Here are some reasons why you should check your waste strategy today.
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What has happened to the wood waste market?

What has happened to the wood waste market?

Like many of the challenges faced for businesses over the past 18 months or so not everything has a single route cause, some could say Brexit, or COVID or even a tanker blocking a major trade route, these issues singularly have a major impact on global business but when they happen in unison it can create the perfect storm for a very stormy business environment.
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A new resource for collecting and recycling pallets

A new resource for collecting and recycling pallets

We all know how widely used wooden pallets are these days, with the surge in online deliveries and retailers moving to larger distribution-based business models the wooden pallet is here to stay. The reuse of pallets is now commonplace, deliveries arrive into many businesses on pallets and the same number of pallets are returned for reuse this works really well in large businesses and distribution networks.
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The future of skips

The future of skips

The trusted waste skip has been in use in mass since the ’60s and little has changed. They still look the same, still collected by the same types of vehicles, and still made from the same heavy steel.
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Rising waste costs

Rising waste costs

2020 has been a very difficult year for many businesses, the waste industry has seen its share of difficulties too. As we get ready for a busy 2021 we are wanted to share some key points in the industry that have had impacts on the industry.
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Can you help prevent flooding at your business?

Can you help prevent flooding at your business?

Flooding is affecting more businesses every year, we have seen people lose their livelihoods on TV and in news articles as water levels rise and take everything in its wake as they burst their banks.
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How to remove airborne viruses in your office

How to remove airborne viruses in your office

How healthy and hygienic is the air quality in your office? You can be reassured its the best it can possibly be with Citron Clear, an environmentally friendly solution designed to fit into any workplace. Using the latest UV technology it removes bad smells, eliminates airborne and surface bacteria and kills 99.5% of all airborne viruses.
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Is your city the worst fly tipped in the UK?

Is your city the worst fly tipped in the UK?

Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste onto land, including being tipped on a site with no license to accept waste, instead of using authorised methods such as kerbside collection.
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Waste disposal costs are rising – here’s why

Waste disposal costs are rising – here’s why

The waste industry in the UK is having a difficult time, global markets have driven recycling revenues down, tax increases and levies threaten disposal routes, and the uncertainty of the market post-Brexit has all added to an already struggling market. It has been well publicised how the world’s doors have closed to UK exported waste
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What you need to know about mop contracts

What you need to know about mop contracts

A MOP (Meter Operator) agreement is a contract that’s separate from other electricity agreements where you will be invoiced directly from your Meter Operator.
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Can you identify your plastics?

Can you identify your plastics?

You may have already noticed the little triangles on your plastic packages, but do you know what they mean? Most people think it just means that the item is recyclable, but this is not the case. Inside those triangles are numbers
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Do my controlled drugs need denaturing?

Do my controlled drugs need denaturing?

Unwanted or out of date controlled drugs need to be denatured. This must be before they are destroyed so that they cannot be recovered, reused or retrieved.
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