

The power of choice


Bespoke energy procurement service entirely tailored to your business’s needs – we act as brokers so can always get the best deals.

Energy costs are a major challenge for every business.

Flame UK’s promise to you is simple. We fix energy problems and issues, so that your business can continue to flourish in the way that you need it to.

As accredited suppliers, we possess the relevant knowledge about the market and are able to compare your options for gas, electricity and water.

We do this through our full brokerage and energy management service, shopping around so that you can make informed choices – about what you pay for your utilities, and the environmental impact too. We can offer green and renewable energy options to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Flame UK is 100% focussed on providing the best possible customer service. Contact our team directly on 0115 648 5655 or complete our contact form for more information on our energy management services and to see if we can help you cut your energy bills.

We can improve your waste management and cut your costs.

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Waste Management
Why Flame UK?

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the prices of my energy ever change?

Your commodity price will not change during your contract (unless you have chosen a flexi plan). When your contract comes to an end we will be more than happy to source the best deals again for you.

What kind of energy can you help me with?

We are able to help with both electricity and gas. This can be either green or brown energy.

Will there be a direct point of contact for me throughout the process?

You will have your own dedicated Account Manager allocated to you, so whether you have a simple or complex query your account manager is always on hand to support you. We believe it is these extra personal touches that set our service apart from others.

Where do you source information about the energy industry from?

All data and information comes from our accredited Suppliers and knowledge of the market from decades of experience.

How do you monitor gas, electric and water supplies?

Some meters (HH) will already have the equipment needed to provide the raw data ready for analysing. However, we can instal the necessary equipment needed all any meter to provide the data to analysis and turn into useful reporting for your business.

How can monitoring my supply help contain my cost?

By monitoring the usage of your supplies you can identify where wastage is occurring and implement processes and procedure to cut out these costs. In addition, once you have established a baseline cost you can then identify if you can shift any usage to use different tariffs on reduced rates.

How much does it cost?

The cost of energy monitoring is calculated on an individual basis as one size does not fit all, and a quote will be provided on your bespoke circumstances. If your contract was placed under our consultancy service and reporting was an initial requirement then this cost will already be incorporated into your monthly management fee.


We're always here for you

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information about how we could improve your waste management.

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Company Registration Number: 09423868. VAT Number: 426 9125 89. Registered address: White House, Wollaton Street, Nottingham, NG1 5GF

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