

Have you thought about bin cleaning?

Green 1100L bins in a row outside next to a wall

With so much going on day to day in your business, it’s likely that giving your bins a good clean hasn’t quite made it onto your to-do list yet. But having dirty bins can cause health and safety concerns. Bin cleaning is an easy way to keep your business’ bins safe and clean.

Why is bin cleaning so important?

Dirty bins can cause a whole heap of problems for your business. They can attract pests and rodents and the smell that comes with an unclean bin can be off putting for customers and the staff that have to use the bin. If bins are left dirty, they can harbour all kinds of germs, creating a health and safety risk too. As we come into the warmer months, the hot weather will only worsen this bad bacteria and smells. Therefore, keeping your bins clean, especially now, is so important.

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What are the benefits of bin cleaning?

More hygienic

If you’re putting all your waste into one general waste bin, the build-up of germs and bacteria can happen quickly. If one bin bag splits in the bin, your waste could end up contaminating the bin, leaving rotting food and nasty germs. A build-up of this attracts pests and rodents, which no one wants on their business premises. Keeping your bin clean is an easy way to prevent this and ensure that anyone using your bin is safe, with minimal risk of health and safety concerns.

Someone putting a bin bag in a bin
Three bins in a row full of waste

Better reputation

You’d probably not consider it but having clean bins is a great way to boost your business’ reputation. If your bins are visible to passing foot traffic outside of your premises, a dirty bin could potentially damage your business’ reputation. For example, if people are walking past your business and there’s odours and mess coming from where you store your bins, it could put people off from choosing your store. Making sure your bins are clean is an easy way to keep foot traffic coming into your store or business.

More time to focus on the important things

When you’re running a busy business, the last thing on your mind is cleaning your bins. If you choose to do it yourself, it could be timely finding the right tools. And, if you have multiple bins on site, the whole process can take up a lot of time. When time is money, you don’t want to be wasting time pressure washing your bins. Outsourcing your bin cleaning is an easy way to keep your premises looking clean and hygienic and means you don’t have to waste time cleaning them yourself – letting you get back to the important things.

Contact us

Looking to keep your bins a bit cleaner this summer? Our team of experts can help you find the best solution to keep your bins fresh. Get in touch today to learn more about how Flame UK can support your business.

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