

Case study:
Magnet Expert

Collections reduced by


Costs reduced by


Carbon reduction


“The great thing about Flame UK is that Dan and his team can handle everything. It’s very much a partnership, where we talk things through and if we have a problem they fix it – even the smallest issues. There’s no hard sell. Our relationship is based on knowledge and trust, and a real sense of care in what Flame UK do.

“We want to be as green as possible and we didn’t like the fact that we weren’t recycling. Now we know that everything which can be recycled, is being recycled! That is the biggest benefit.”

Lawrance Allen, Head of Operations

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The pull of smart waste management

Magnet Expert is a company perfectly summed up by its name.

The firm supplies magnetised products of all shapes and sizes for different uses by major brands across a wide range of industries, including aerospace, energy, printing and retail. Its sister business FIRST4MAGNETS sells directly to the public.

Magnet Expert turned to Flame UK for help with handling the diverse waste streams at their base in Tuxford, North Nottinghamshire. They were keen to strengthen their environmental credentials, having introduced recyclable packaging and asked their suppliers to do the same.

However, they were recycling nothing themselves. Although the company had different bins for waste types, everything was being handled as general waste.

In our specialist consultancy role as waste management experts, we assessed the company’s activity, offering and sourcing appropriate solutions for every kind of waste.

Through Flame UK, Magnet Expert now has a dedicated account manager, a single point of contact and only one waste handling bill – making life easier and helping to reduce administration costs.

With a clear and robust plan in place, the impact has been significant:

  • From a zero starting point, Magnet Expert’s waste recycling is at 86%.
  • Flame UK suggestion of a baler to compact cardboard waste has reduced collections by 80%.
  • All pallets, other wood and scrap metal are now separated and recycled.
  • Polystyrene is collected fortnightly, compacted into solid blocks and sent for reuse as moulded chairs, car seats and even in new car production.
  • The Magnet Expert workplace is more organised and ISO14001 compliant.
  • Waste disposal costs have reduced by around 35% and the company is protected from sizeable annual increases in general waste contracts.
  • Recycling waste is contributing to staff morale and productivity.

We're always here for you

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information about how we could improve your waste management.

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