

September 29th 2022 – Energy Prices, School Waste Costs and Price Watch

Everything you need to know about waste this week

Welcome to Thursday September 29th Edition.

In today’s Waste World:
  • How increasing energy prices are impacting recycling
  • Waste Price Watch – what’s happening in the waste market?
  • Sector Focus – we take a look at waste in schools
  • What we’ve been reading – stories that have interested us this week!


Energy Price Rises Impact Recycling

Materials prices rise and services are stripped 

We’re all experiencing the impact of increased energy prices and inflation on goods and services.  The waste and recycling industry is no exception, and this week we’ve seen stories of how recycling rates and prices of materials recovered for recycling are being impacted.

Recycling companies in Europe will struggle to break even due to soaring energy prices; in turn having an impact on the amount of plastics that can be recycled.    Closer to home, Councils under pressure to save money are looking to streamline or reduce services available to households.

In the recycling market itself, the value of recovered goods such as paper and plastics has fallen – again blamed on high energy prices and lower demand for products driven by the high cost of living. 


Waste Price Watch 

Each issue we bring you the latest market prices for recycling; plus the cost of PRN (Packaging Recycling Note) and landfill fees. 

For full detail and up to date prices click here.  For details on PRNs click here. 


Focus on schools


Reducing the cost of school waste

It’s that time of year when we’re back to school, with the new academic year starting.   For schools and colleges, September is the busy time of welcoming new students, settling into new timetables and getting ready for the coming term.

Waste isn’t a subject you hear of a lot in schools, but with over 250,000 tonnes of waste a year generated by schools, for us it’s a hot topic.

Waste generated by schools can include food waste, electricals, cardboard and general waste; and managing these in an efficient, sustainable and tidy way is paramount.  Read more in our blog about school waste.


Do you know how the energy market affects your business? Click here to receive our business energy news. 



Bus stops for bees:

We’re buzzing about bus shelter roofs in major UK cities becoming gardens for our bees: 

How hard is it to recycle?
Research shows that consumers find is difficult and time consuming to recycle every day items: 


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Waste Management
Why Flame UK?

Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence in Waste Management with Flame UK

This year marks a significant milestone for Flame UK as we celebrate 10 years of delivering top-tier waste management solutions...
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Simpler Recycling Compliance Calculator

DEFRA has released new guidance on Simpler Recycling, bringing major changes to waste management across England. Starting on 31st March...
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Revolutionising Waste Management: Introducing the Flame UK Customer Portal

In the ever-evolving landscape of waste management, businesses need solutions that are simple, efficient, and aligned with their sustainability goals....
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