

WasteWorld January 11th 2023 – Single-Use Cutlery Ban and Recycling Tips

How to recycle more in 2023! Top tips for recycling, and introducing the Shellmet!
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Welcome to Wednesday, 11th January 2023 Edition 

In today's Waste World:
  • Single-use plastic to be banned in England
  • Waste Price Watch – what's happening in the waste market?
  • Sector Focus – we take a look at recycling
  • What we've been reading – quirky stories that have interested us this week!


Single-use cutlery and plastic plates to be banned in England

Some single-use plastics will be banned

Following moves by Wales and Scotland, yesterday it was announced that single use plastic cutlery will be banned in England in an attempt to limit the environmental damage caused by plastic waste.

Over 1 billion single-use plates and four billion pieces of cutlery are used every year in England – and this can end up as litter, in landfill or in our oceans.

Read more about the environmental impact of single-use plastics:


Waste Price Watch

Each issue we bring you the latest market prices for recycling; plus the cost of PRN (Packaging Recycling Note) and landfill fees.

For full detail and up to date prices click here. For details on PRNs click here.


Focus on recycling


How to recycle more in 2023

Is your New Year’s resolution to recycle more?  If you’re looking to be more environmentally friendly this year, being mindful of the waste you generate and how you dispose of it is a great way to start.

Recycling can be a daunting task – check out our top tips to help you reduce your waste and recycle more at home and in your workplace.   


Looking to reduce the environmental impact and cost of your waste? Click here for our tips. 



Introducing the Shellmet! 

We're loving this inventive idea of making helmets for fishing workers, from discarded scallop shells: 


Earth's oldest ice found:

What is thought to be the Earth's oldest ice has been discovered almost 100 metres underground:

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