

WasteWorld October 27th 2022 – Meet Our Drainage Expert, Green Halloween and Waste in the News

Your regular waste update

Welcome to Thursday, 27th October Edition.

In today’s Waste World:
  • Have a Green Halloween!
  • Waste Price Watch – what’s happening in the waste market?
  • Meet the team – our drainage and tankering expert!
  • What we’ve been reading – stories that have interested us this week!


Have a Green Halloween!

Frightening amounts of plastics are used during Halloween

With Halloween fast approaching, we’ve been spooked by the amount of plastic and waste it generates. Did you know that an estimated 2,000 tonnes of plastic was generated by Halloween costumes in 2020? That’s the equivalent of 83 million plastic bottles. 

And there’s more…..83% of Halloween costumes and clothing sold are made of predominantly of plastic.   We’re looking at ways to make our office Halloween more eco-friendly  – think costumes made from recycled materials and leftover pumpkin recipes….check our socials on Monday for photos!

Read more for our ideas on how to have a green Halloween:


Waste Price Watch 

Each issue we bring you the latest market prices for recycling; plus the cost of PRN (Packaging Recycling Note) and landfill fees. 

For full detail and up to date prices click here.  For details on PRNs click here. 


Our tankering and drainage specialist!  


Rachel: Business Development Manager 

Rachel is our Business Development Manager, and our resident expert in tankering and liquid waste with 11 years of experience in the drainage and tankering industry.    Rachel is a big family person and outside of work loves hosting dinner parties for family and friends.


Rachel says: “this time of year maintaining your site premises is imperative to avoid flooding to outdoor areas – car parks, vehicle washdown areas, forecourts or loading bays.   Make sure you’re keeping on top of cleaning the drains and gullies.  If you have an interceptor tank you need to have it regularly emptied and cleaned to avoid flooding and contamination.  

Drains and gullies can easily get blocked with falling leaves and debris.  It’s better to prevent flooding by keeping on top of cleaning and maintenance than to have to clean up after a flood to your site.”


Why being charged for overweight bins isn’t always a bad thing: read more here 



Where do people recycle the most? 

Following recycling week, the best and worst places in the UK for recycling have been revealed:


Recyclable chocolate wrappers 🍬🍬

Kitkat and Quality Street have introduced plastic free wrapping, with other manufacturers following suit:


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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Latest Updates and What This Means for UK Businesses

As we navigate the landscape of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and PRNs in 2024, it's crucial to maintain a steady...
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Understanding Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is transforming how we manage packaging waste. At Flame UK, we are committed to helping businesses...
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PRNs and EPR – Key dates, prices, and inside industry info. What’s in store for 2024.

As we navigate the landscape of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and PRNs in 2024, it's crucial to maintain a steady...
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