

WasteWorld November 23rd 2022 – Flame UK wins Award, Hazardous Waste Disposal

Success at the East Midlands Business Awards! Plus, how to handle your hazardous waste
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Welcome to Wednesday, 23rd November Edition.

In today's Waste World:
  • Flame UK win the Business Improvement through Technology at the East Midlands Chamber Awards!
  • Waste Price Watch – what's happening in the waste market?
  • Sector Focus – we take a look at hazardous waste
  • What we've been reading – quirky stories that have interested us this week!


Flame UK win at the East Midlands Chamber Awards

We won the Improvement through Technology award!

On Friday 18th November Flame UK attended the East Midlands Chamber Business Awards. We were finalists for four awards which included Environmental Impact, Small Business of the Year, Business Improvement through Technology and our Marketing Apprentice, Kane O'Neill, was nominated for Apprentice of the Year.

We won the Business Improvement through Technology award which recognises a business' use of technology to enhance business performance through increasing staff efficiency and strengthening customer support.

As a company that prides itself on continuously developing to improve the service that we provide, we are delighted to receive this award. We also had a brilliant evening at the awards and would like to congratulate all the other finalists and winners!


Waste Price Watch

Each issue we bring you the latest market prices for recycling; plus the cost of PRN (Packaging Recycling Note) and landfill fees.

For full detail and up to date prices click here. For details on PRNs click here. 


Focus on Hazardous Waste 


How to safely handle hazardous waste 

Did you know that around 1.9 million tonnes of hazardous waste is produced by commercial and industrial businesses in the UK each year? It needs to be treated with care, but why? 

If hazardous waste is not stored or disposed of in a safe way, there can be detrimental effects – hazardous waste contains substances that are harmful to human health or the environment and can have serious effects on our climate and physical well-being. 

Click below to read our blog on how to safely handle and dispose of hazardous waste, as well as the legal regulations that you need to follow to keep everyone safe.  


Do you know if your business needs to buy PRNs?
Click here to find out



Recycling in schools:

It's great to see schools teaching children how to recycle – check out this story about a school in Staffordshire who aim to be plastic free.

McDonalds ditches the plastic:
McDonald's has ditched plastic cutlery for good! The permanent change has been made to achieve their goal of removing as much plastic from their packaging as possible. 
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FlameUK | Hub37, 37 Gordon Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5LQ
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