

October 13th 2022 – Business Awards, Paint Recycling and Price Watch

Flame UK highly Commended in Apprentice Awards

Welcome to Thursday, 13th October Edition.

In today’s Waste World:
  • Flame UK Runner Up in Business Awards!
  • Waste Price Watch – what’s happening in the waste market?
  • Sector Focus – we take a look at how to recycle leftover paint
  • What we’ve been reading – quirky stories that have interested us this week!


Flame UK win Highly Commended in Apprenticeships Awards

Runner up for SME Employer of the Year 

We were delighted to be shortlisted as finalists and receive Highly Commended in the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Apprenticeship Awards, for SME Employer of the Year. 

The SME Employer of the Year Award is for businesses of under 249 employees that show an ongoing commitment to providing opportunities to apprentices within the business. 

Apprentices are a big part of our team here at Flame UK and this award celebrates all they bring to our business, so we were delighted to be Highly Commended and to have a lovely night out with the team! 


Waste Price Watch 

Each issue we bring you the latest market prices for recycling; plus the cost of PRN (Packaging Recycling Note) and landfill fees. 

For full detail and up to date prices click here.  For details on PRNs click here. 


Focus on paint recycling


How to recycle your paint – from sprays to gloss! 

You might have just repainted the office or had a revamp of the kitchen, leaving you with used or nearly empty paint cans and no idea on how to properly dispose of them. Paint can be tricky to dispose of and, if not done carefully, could have damaging effects on you or the environment.

Why should you dispose of paint properly?

Paint is classed as hazardous waste, and even small amounts left over from your DIY project could have environmental consequences. 

What should you do with leftover paint? 

Don’t pour it down the sink! Leftover paint needs to be stored correctly to keep it useable.  Empty cans can be recycled, and paint can be recycled at certain places.  Read our blog to find out more!


How does the business energy price cap affect your business? Read our blog here



Closing the clothing loop:

We’re loving this story about a company making new fabrics from clothes that would otherwise have gone to landfill: 

Coca-cola bottles made easier to recycle :
Coca-cola have introduced a new bottle design which make the whole bottle, cap included, easier to recycle:


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Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Latest Updates and What This Means for UK Businesses

As we navigate the landscape of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and PRNs in 2024, it's crucial to maintain a steady...
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Understanding Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is transforming how we manage packaging waste. At Flame UK, we are committed to helping businesses...
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PRNs and EPR – Key dates, prices, and inside industry info. What’s in store for 2024.

As we navigate the landscape of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and PRNs in 2024, it's crucial to maintain a steady...
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